have you ever think that sometimes you don't want to live for a reasons???
i do... you know i just getting lame with all stuff i got to face sometimes i feel like this world is just not fair repeated NOT FAIR!!!!! because as you always see in daily life who got the most attention? celebrity right????? and sometimes they are just getting annoying when fate sides them... duh! you don't have to be so boasty! why can't a normal persons full of hidden talent can't be as hot and as wanted as them?why? because you never see them in the television? is it? or is it they didn't look as preety as the celebrity? huh! put your head in the loo if you think like this! for me a person with talented things are hotter than beautiful persons.... beautiful persons didn't work to get their preetiness they just got them from their parents while a not preety person could be more than that! well.... you guys just didn't give them the chances when you give them evil eyes and the blah blah! and the worst thing paranoid feeling... so i hope in this post you just understand the main thing i wanna tell you here compare the best and the rest you'll know later....
Sunday, 17 July 2011
hot and talented? WHICH DO YOU PREFER???
Posted by daydreamer at 03:31 0 comments
Friday, 24 June 2011
you know i kind of just transferred to a new school AGAIN...and i just can't stop thinking about what they've given me as a leaving gift... i know i am wrong to be paranoid about them at first but.... i realise it now that my boarding school friends was the best thing that ever been mine... and all the memories including the bad one (i don't think i have a good memories defeating bad memories somehow.... hhaha this is when a nothing girl talking... i just at last feeling home... but i can't deny i am sad to leave them when they cry for me in ss6 haha... my heaven at that time... :p for my lovely mates THERE'S NOTHING THAT COULD MAKE ME FORGET YOU...AND WHAT YOU KNOW ME AS MYSELF IS NEVER GONNA CHANGE IF IT DIDN'T REQUIRED SO.... thanks for everything best mates!!!!!!!!!
Posted by daydreamer at 03:18 0 comments
Friday, 3 June 2011
can we pretend everything?
Posted by daydreamer at 21:24 0 comments
she- me
don't look at her
don't think you are under
you guys a different one
don't dream to be the one
she might be first
you know one thing you cannot tease
let her be happy
and make you feel lonely
it's her fate to be lucky
but god not saying you have nobody
open your eyes and say what you want to be
and bring it to your daydream....
a hidden confession
Posted by daydreamer at 21:01 0 comments
Tuesday, 31 May 2011
the songs.....
Posted by daydreamer at 09:21 0 comments
we have a common!
hey kate perry!
we have a common habit: to not love a person haha!
yeah hear her new song? i repeat it again and again! you know i've been in love in a robot haha.... god this was a not coincidence when kate perry loves alien nah! this is just a temporary love until we were fated with a normal human..... it was fun to be in love with something which does not exist....
yeah im weird!
sonny: your touch magnetizing (so don't touch me) hahaha! still love ya!...... im loyal :p need not to worry about my love to you ngeeee.....!!^^
Posted by daydreamer at 09:18 0 comments
don't read this if you are happy person
boarding school?
what do you think......
-it's dumb?
-no way?
believe me i am feeling what you feel and honestly if im staying at that place for too long im going to lose myself somehow
i need nobody to tell me about it advantages and disadvantages now cause i already know right?
well at least i already have an experience didn't i and im proud about it
don't tell me "you proud?"
im going to answer "go to hell yo bitca!" easy huh?
im not telling you to be rude,,,, but im extremely telling you that:
every badness have it's kindness don't they?
they do.....
i've exprienced it myself...
-you will feel the family in you
-you are going to appreciated your friend until people call you lesbian (some people didn't understand :p)
-you are going to feel the love
-gossip like the main talk (not all people love to do that
-you will see so many type of people that you'll never regret
hahaha don't ask me what i feel
im okay with it.... it's just you know everybody prefer being in their own nest... so do me... and if i could i would choose for not staying in the boarding school for too long without my mummy infront of me never!
Posted by daydreamer at 08:50 0 comments
Sunday, 17 April 2011
broken hearted daydreamer-me
before you were fated with her....
i stand there waiting you all of these years
even thought i know you are just to far...
but who can tell what fate brings us on this year
and i know i have been dumped
when god tell you she's new but she's yours
and im old and i don't belong with you...
how i wanted to scream
to slap you on your wedding that day
but i know i can't because she was much more than me
and she cannot be blamed in these
so goodbye my prince
enjoy your trip to a happiness
well let me settled down with my sadness
but god, i need one thing before i go
let he read this and know
all these year i've been waiting for him
and how i can't stop loving him
last letter for my prince charming...
Posted by daydreamer at 22:07 0 comments
Saturday, 16 April 2011
my concert
wuhuuuu.... again nak berangan nieh... hahaha ok,,, kalau saya jadi penyanyi band... apa yang saya nak buat perihal konsert saya? waaaahhhh saya mesti ada dataran sendiri di setiap tempat kiranya kalau artis lain nak buat konsert kat situ kena minta kebenaran kitaorang dululah... tempat tueh memang besar dan lighting dia memang cantik macam2 warna and then ada satu stage yang sangat besar dan ada sambungan sampai ke setiap penjuru dataran tersebut kiranya sambil nyanyi tu boleh jalan2 sampai kat orang belakang sekali! pastu kat bumbung dataran tersebut ada yang macam air yang kalau terbakar dia keluarkan air tu kiranya kalau orang datang kat situ dia kenalah bersedia sebab sepanjang konsert tu saya dan hadirin yang datang ke konsert tu akan basah kuyup haha.... and setiap orang yang masuk tu bila nak balik akan dapat sorang satu poster band and siap ada tandatangan sekali kira worth it la jugak kan? saya rasa sampai sini sahajalah angan2 saya perihal konsert saya :) tak slah kan kalau kita berangan?
sori ayat beterabur (daydreamer tak kira ayat)
Posted by daydreamer at 18:30 0 comments
Friday, 15 April 2011
harini ialah last day saya kat skool tak sangka ada juga kawan2 yang bagi saya hadiah ( yang lain saya tak maksud tak baik ya korang cuma tak tahu) macam contohnya aqilah bagi saya teddybear tu... comel kan? and ayuni bagi saya charm bracelet yang saya pakai tu siap ada meaning tau! tak sangka diorang begitu menghargai saya :) korang doakan saya dapat kawan yang baik cam korang ya... tak dapt nak gambarkan betapa sedihnya hati saya nak tinggalkan korang suma tapi saya tak boleh buat apa2 apa2 korang boleh contact saya kat fb ye :) bye
Posted by daydreamer at 06:35 0 comments
again bye prince charming ;(
it is the only word that i can say to you
for all this time i've been watching you as my part time job but i am an expert cause nobody caught me doing that...
for a long time i've been daydreaming about many things with you but of course im an expert because i cried when i done that alone.....
for every second i've been thinking about you at any places im an expert because people watch me as i was looking at the road
for everything i imagine that we shared i am an expert again because i never let people touch it bye saying that thing had been broken and no one ever touch that
a daydreamer is forever a daydreamer
bye my prince fly away and dont turn back....
Posted by daydreamer at 05:32 0 comments
Friday, 8 April 2011
PARAMORE you rocks
MAMA I love you....
ABI kakak rindu abi....
ADIK sayang ni....
MY PRINCE CHARMING i'll be with you like forever
SINGING CARRIER oh no you are not going to be thrown
SCIENTIST yeah ...i am going to be you
MY FAMILY i don't wanna let go of this hug
MY BOYFRIEND my book.... my laptop... my t-shirts....my only sneakers
MY WORLD HEAVEN my room.... i don't wanna leave you
MY FRIENDS you guys are fucking rock and fun :)
and i know these are not daydreams :)
i love you all that ever have been part of me even if i forgotten....
Posted by daydreamer at 02:05 0 comments
Friday, 18 March 2011
actually there in so many people... such as the human that breathe in 2RK1... don't be silly! there are in the whole school that was so many that i can't even vomit their name outta here... guys you know i love you when i smile at you... <3 but don't be jealous of these people smiling at the camera they are just being lucky because they have a picture with me... that's why they are being on the center of the earth! okay... they are so many human that give me some reason to lives such as my momma my father. but here on this very post im telling you about humans called friends... i love you human on picture... i love you rasidnie....farah....aqilah....hazirah...ayuni...lydiea...najiha....shahirah...anis syahira....sari...suria...qoma...nisa...syazleen!... and so many more.... sorry if i've left out the one who loves me.... i am going to tell you i love you personally okayh? good to tell that i admire you guys as my guidance at school... thanks for the very support... honestly... i've never found a friends like you guys never even in primary school... you guys show me what friendship is and you guys make me feel that i am being need by everyone... only god knows how to repay :)my fav human on earth
Posted by daydreamer at 01:52 2 comments
Monday, 14 March 2011
i robot
nama dia sonny
dia pelik tapi baik
dia handsome!!!!!!!! tak nampak ka?
saya cintakan dia sepenuh hati
our baby is half human and half robot (i prefer his body to robot better than head)
hey sonny if u read this
Posted by daydreamer at 05:58 0 comments
Sunday, 13 March 2011
dreaming on world
Posted by daydreamer at 01:26 0 comments
Sunday, 6 March 2011
my bestie
pertama sekali sori sebab gamba terbalik....
kedua ni kawan2 sye memperkenalakn anis dan asyura <3
ketiga saya sayang diorang sangat2
keempat diorang antara kawan yang saya tak pernah jumpa sebelum ni
kelima asyura saya rindu awak!
keenam diorang suka dengar saya nyanyi
ketujuh asyura ialah pelajar tarian india saya
kelapan anis ialah tempat saya simpan rahsia
akhir sekali saya sayang diorang moga kita berkekalan ya!
Posted by daydreamer at 02:40 0 comments
my princess
ni adik saya alya...
-saya sayang dia sangat2
-saya rindu dia
-dia selalu beralah untuk saya
-dia selalu ada hadiah untuk saya pada setiap occassion
-dia banyak puji saya
-dia comel <3
-dia rajin
-dia selalu sedarkan saya kalau saya buat silap
-dia tempat saya meluahkan perasaan
- dia gila macam saya
-dia nak jadi macam saya
baru saya sedar :)... adik awklah yang terbaik bagi seorang kakak seperti saya ini....
Posted by daydreamer at 02:18 0 comments
Saturday, 5 March 2011
thank you my fren :)
alhamdulillah... saya dapat kawan2 yang begitu baik... korang ni memang kawan dunia akhirat... tak sangka akan jumpa korang dekat high school ;) haha... terima kasih sebab sokong kita dalam apa jua yang kita nak... :) korang memang best... and speacial thanks to these angel: aniebuchuk, fara ieda, and hazirah for writing about me in your blog... insyalah kalau saya popular suatu hari nanti dak2 nie takkan tertinggal dari vip pass haha... xoxo for budak yang sokong saya ya!
korang yang baca ni boleh apply untuk jadi penyokong saya juga :).... sayang korang <3
<3 daydreamer
Posted by daydreamer at 20:25 2 comments
bye... prince charming :(
oh tidak!!!!!!!!!!! saya ada crush kat sorang mat saleh ni... identity dia biarlah selamanya rahsia... malu pulak kalau dia terbuka blog ni atau orang yang buka blog ni kenal dia... jatuh maruah kan? so better i keep the identity safe with me forever <3 it's safer... kalau korang nak tahu orang ni merupakan orang yang popular... kalau tak mana saya akan knal dia? saya memang da lama suka dia jarak umur? jauh... belasan tahun... hahaha tapi cinta itu buta kan...? saya suka dia dari umur saya 12 tahun kut... and then dia kapel ngan sorang lagi artis yang terkenal gak... tapi tak kesa sangat sebab manalah tahu dia akan berpisah ngan kapel dia tu dan dijodohkan dengan saya (perasan) tapi lepas dia putus tahu2 dia da kahwin ngan orang lain! oh no! he's totally ruin my castles!! totally! tapi takpalah sabar je la... mungkin kau dijodohkan dengan orang lain... masih jauh lagi perjalanan kau untuk memikirkan soal terikat dengan mana2 lelaki yang akan kau sayangi okay? tapi saya kan daydreamer tak salah kan kalau saya anggap dia milik saya?
Posted by daydreamer at 09:20 0 comments
Friday, 4 March 2011
i hate them very much because i love them very muchokay... melalui blog anie,korang akan dapat tahu yang sememangnya saya merupakan "paramore-die-hard-fans" sebab dari umur 10 tahun di mana sya blum knal diorang lagi, saya pernah berangan-angan untuk ada band dan ciri2 band saya tu totaly sama macam paramore such a coincidence kan? sebabtu saya memang minat gila ngan diorang! okay kat bawah ni list persamaan ngan idola saya dalam bidang nyanyian iaitu penyanyi bagi paramore hayley williams:
1) jenis pakaian dia merupakan fesyen yang saya memang suka dari dulu
2) genre lagu dia memang lagu yang saya nak nyanyi apabila saya ada band
3) rambut dia...(except saya tak pernah terfikir untuk buat warna oren saya cuma nak kaler hijau sikit je depan tu)
4) perangai dia yang manja (orang cakap la saya manja)
5) perangai dia yang gila2
6) cara dia bergambar
so.... this is apa yang buat sya pikir dia ni macam bayangan saya sewaktu besar nanti chehhhh wahhhh!
Posted by daydreamer at 04:20 1 comments
Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Posted by daydreamer at 02:00 0 comments
a little about me... somehow
- i love who follow me
- i don't know how to decorate my page
- im not really sure about myblog
-i hate people who visit here but don't even give out the least they can do
- i love lyrics (gimme more!)
-okay... and i think im going to make a new blog (still not sure )
my blog my rules...
Posted by daydreamer at 01:33 0 comments